10 African Fantasy Novels Based on African Mythology

10 African Fantasy Novels Based on African Mythology

In a world brimming with fantasy literature, it’s no surprise that readers are continually seeking unique and captivating stories to transport them to realms beyond their wildest dreams. One such treasure trove of inspiration is African mythology, with its rich tapestry of tales, legends, and folklore that have been passed down through generations. This article…

13 Japanese YA Fantasy Books You Can Read in English

13 Japanese YA Fantasy Books You Can Read in English

Japanese YA fantasy novels possess unique traits that set them apart from their Western counterparts. These stories often draw from rich Japanese mythology and folklore, weaving captivating narratives that blend magic, adventure, and romance. Additionally, their intricate character development, emotional depth, and distinctive settings make them truly memorable reads. As you delve into these books,…

The 18 Best World Building Fantasy Books You Should Read

The 18 Best World Building Fantasy Books You Should Read

When it comes to fantasy literature, world-building is a spell that authors cast on their words to turn them into doorways leading to different dimensions. It’s not just about the magical creatures, enchanted artifacts, or powerful sorcerers – it’s the immersive landscapes, intricate societies, and rich histories that make these fantasy worlds feel as tangible…

8 Good Reasons Why Everyone Should Read Fantasy

8 Good Reasons Why Everyone Should Read Fantasy

I’ve had a strong affection for fantasy literature ever since I was a young child. It all started with a well-worn copy of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, handed down from my older cousin. Bilbo Baggins’ adventures captured my attention, and before I knew it, I was avoiding giant spiders, climbing the perilous Lonely Mountain, and…