A female high fantasy protagonist stands with a sword

26 Epic or High Fantasy Books with Female Protagonists

Fantasy fiction, a genre once dominated by tales of male knights, kings, and adventurers, has evolved immensely over the years. Today, we’re seeing an ever-growing collection of epic fantasy books with female protagonists, where powerful sorceresses, daring warriors, and cunning queens take center stage.

These stories don’t just involve women; they’re about women who shape their worlds, craft their narratives, and leave us, the readers, utterly spellbound.

For fans eager to dive into thrilling new territories, a high fantasy novel with a female lead offers a refreshing perspective. A world where not only magic, mystery, and mayhem await but also one where women lead the charge, command the armies and weave the spells. In other words, they run the world quite literally!

If you’re on the lookout for an inspiring, adventurous, and diverse fantasy series with a female lead, you’ve come to the right place. Here I have gathered an enchanting collection of 26 high or epic fantasy books starring compelling, multifaceted female protagonists.

So, get ready to embark on an adventure filled with female-driven tales of bravery, magic, and monumental world-building.

26 high or epic fantasy books with a strong female lead

1. Sabriel by Garth Nix

In the world of High Fantasy, Garth Nix’s Sabriel swoops in as a refreshing change of pace with its eponymous female protagonist Sabriel. She’s no typical damsel in distress but a young woman with guts, determination, and magical powers. She doesn’t shy away from the challenges thrown her way and always keeps her courage intact, no matter the odds.

Stepping out of the safe confines of her boarding school, Sabriel finds herself in the dangerous and magic-ridden Old Kingdom, carrying the heavy mantle of her father’s legacy as the Abhorsen. Her mission? To combat the terrifying world of Free Magic and necromancy, a world her father has long protected their Kingdom from. As a necromancer, she fights against the darkest of powers, often leading her to journey into the world of the dead.

But don’t mistake her necromantic powers for darkness; Sabriel is a beacon of light and hope in her world. She uses her powers to lay the restless and sometimes malevolent dead to rest. Hers is a tale of courage and resilience that breaks stereotypes and presents an enchanting, dangerous, and thrilling adventure with a female lead steering the ship.

Readers journey with Sabriel, explore her world, and admire her audacity, making her an epitome of female empowerment in the realm of high fantasy.

2. Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake

When it comes to heart-stopping high fantasy, Kendare Blake takes a unique twist on royal ascension with her book, Three Dark Crowns. A tale of three sisters, Mirabella, Katharine, and Arsinoe, each possessing her unique power, becomes a gripping contest where the sister who wears the crown must kill the other two for it. How’s that for sisterly love?

But it’s not the brutal premise that grips you-it’s the depth of these sisters. Mirabella is a fierce elemental, controlling the weather with a wave of her hand. Katharine is a poisoner, surviving the deadliest toxins. Arsinoe, a naturalist, holds the power to bloom flowers and tame wild animals. Each queen is a symbol of female strength and dominance, unapologetically wielding their power, challenging the norms of a typical damsel in distress.

Their stories, though intertwined by blood and destiny, diverge as each queen navigates her path toward the crown, wrestling with the choice between family and power. The world of Fennbirn Island, painted with the darkest strokes of fantasy, unfolds through their perspectives, making Three Dark Crowns a captivating novel with female leads that don’t just survive-they rule.

3. Song of the Forever Rains by E.J. Mellow

When talking about unforgettable female leads, one cannot overlook Larkyra Bassette from Song of the Forever Rains, the kick-off novel to the Mousai series. E.J. Mellow weaves a rich tapestry of intrigue and magic with a strong female lead at the heart of it.

Larkyra, or Lark, is a blend of courage and vulnerability, embodying the perfect traits of a strong female protagonist. She navigates her way through a world divided between the wealthy on the surface and the criminals living beneath it. Our heroine takes it upon herself to solve the mystery of the haunting music that ensnares the wealthy and drives them to madness.

Caught in a web of secrets, betrayal, and forbidden love, Lark’s journey becomes the epicenter of a fight against an ancient evil. Each decision she makes, each relationship she forms, and each danger she braves contribute to her evolution as a character, making her as real to readers as the person next door.

E.J. Mellow’s tale is not just about the struggle between good and evil; it’s about a woman standing firm in the face of dire adversity, painting a beautiful picture of empowerment. The Song of the Forever Rains stands tall among High Fantasy Novels with a female lead who is as human as she is heroic.

4. Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Meet Katsa, the indomitable protagonist of Graceling, the first book in the Graceling Realm series by Kristin Cashore. Katsa’s a Graceling, one who’s gifted with an extreme skill – hers is the ability to kill. This compelling twist makes her a fascinating study in contradiction as she is lethal yet compassionate, independent yet vulnerable.

Forced to be her uncle king’s thug since a young age, Katsa challenges expectations as she rebels against her lot, setting up a council to counteract the tyrannical kings. In her journey, she meets Prince Po, who helps her to discover the true nature of her Grace and offers a stark contrast to Katsa’s fiery spirit.

Through Katsa, Cashore explores themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the fight against oppression. She isn’t just a warrior but a woman determined to decide her own fate, refusing to be defined by her deadly Grace. The emotional depth of her character and the complexity of her journey set the book apart.

5. The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

When it comes to epic fantasy books with a female protagonist, The Final Empire, the first book of the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson, is a must-read. The novel introduces us to Vin, a young orphan who survives the slums of Luthadel by being a part of a thieving crew. Vin, however, is more than just a common thief; she is a Mistborn, someone capable of using all forms of Allomancy – a unique magic system based on metals.

It’s inspiring to follow Vin’s journey from a wary, distrustful street urchin to a confident and powerful Mistborn. While she initially uses her powers for survival and petty crimes, her life takes an interesting turn when she crosses paths with the charismatic Kelsier, a rebel with a dangerous plan to overthrow the tyrannical Lord Ruler.

Vin’s growth throughout the novel is compelling. The Final Empire explores her character as she learns to trust others, opens herself to friendship and love, and steps into her power. The book delves into themes of trust, self-discovery, and the struggle for freedom, all seen through the eyes of a strong female lead.

6. The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman

The opening installment of the His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman sets you on an adventure with a fearless, resolute young girl named Lyra Belacqua – an orphan living in the Jordan College in Oxford who plunges into a journey through icy wastes and across different dimensions.

She is a delightful protagonist; her character is painted with strokes of stubbornness, bravery, and a sharp mind. Unleashing her innate curiosity and cunning, she navigates her way through a world that mingles magic and science, where every human has a daemon, a lifelong animal companion which is an embodiment of their soul.

The story showcases Lyra’s evolution from a mischievous child into a girl of substance, bravery, and leadership. The landscape of Lyra’s world is cold and dangerous, filled with armored bears and witches, yet it’s her personal growth that proves to be the most captivating element of the story.

7. A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

Among the multitude of epic fantasy novels, A Game of Thrones from the series A Song of Ice and Fire stands out as one with several female leads. The book is famed for its intricate plotlines, unpredictable twists, and a plethora of deep, multi-dimensional characters, including two iconic female leads, Daenerys Targaryen and Arya Stark.

Daenerys Targaryen, a displaced princess and the last in the line of dragon kings, evolves from a meek and oppressed girl to a powerful queen and ruler. Her journey is marked by trials and tribulations, which she handles with a rare blend of grace and ferocity. She’s a beacon of resilience and determination, demonstrating that even in a world filled with brutality and power struggles, a woman can rise to become a formidable leader.

On the other hand, Arya Stark, a young noblewoman, defies the traditional roles of her station from the get-go. She trades needlework for swordplay, choosing a path of a warrior over a lady’s etiquette. Her narrative, filled with adventurous quests and deep-seated vengeance, presents readers with a female character who is relentless, brave, and unyieldingly authentic.

Related read: 12 Reasons Why You Should Read Game of Thrones

8. Green Rider by Kristen Britain

Kristen Britain’s Green Rider takes you on a thrilling journey alongside Karigan G’ladheon, a young woman who stumbles upon a destiny far removed from the one she envisioned. After a fight that threatens her place at school, Karigan’s world transforms from the mundane to the extraordinary when she crosses paths with a dying Green Rider, the King’s messengers renowned in legends.

In his dying moments, the Rider entrusts Karigan with a life-or-death message for King Zachary, compelling her to swear an oath to deliver it. Thus, a simple schoolgirl morphs into a crucial player in her kingdom’s fate, embarking on an epic journey that tests her courage and resilience.

Karigan is a compelling character whose transformation from an ordinary girl to a legendary Green Rider is both believable and inspiring. Her bravery in the face of the unknown, her persistence despite adversity, and her sense of duty all contribute to making her a memorable female lead in the epic fantasy genre.

9. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

High fantasy novels often conjure images of brave warriors, mystical creatures, and epic quests. However, sometimes the most gripping stories center on the extraordinary feats of seemingly ordinary individuals. This is true of Sabaa Tahir’s An Ember in the Ashes, where you will witness the compelling journeys of Laia and Helene, two young women thrown into a world of chaos and oppression.

Laia, a slave living in the Martial Empire, leads a life marred by fear and subjugation. But beneath the surface of her meek exterior lies a heart burning with resolve. When her brother is arrested for treason, she risks everything to save him, agreeing to spy on the Empire’s greatest military academy.

As a female protagonist, Laia’s courage, resilience, and undying love for her family stand out, offering a heroine who’s not just battling external foes but also internal demons of fear and self-doubt.

Helene, on the other hand, is the Empire’s finest soldier and also its most unwilling. Trapped in a system she despises, Helene grapples with her loyalties, torn between her duty to the Empire and the love for her best friend, who secretly shares her disdain for the regime. Helene’s character showcases the inner turmoil of a woman forced to confront the harsh realities of her world and make unimaginable choices.

An Ember in the Ashes is a testament to the power of female resilience, the will to survive, and the ability to make a difference in a brutal world. Both Laia and Helene embody strength in their own ways, demonstrating the multifaceted nature of a female lead in a high fantasy novel. Their struggles, triumphs, and growth serve as the beating heart of this riveting series.

10. Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Rebecca Yarros’s Fourth Wing will captivate you with a unique twist on high fantasy literature, showcasing a fragile yet fiercely determined female protagonist in a world dominated by dragon riders. Violet Sorrengail, a young woman destined for a life of peace and quiet, is thrust into the dangerous realm of Navarre’s elite dragon riders, defying the odds with her brittle frame and a will of iron.

Violet stands out in this high-stakes, brutal environment, where survival is a daily battle, and her fragility is seen as a fatal weakness. Her lineage adds another layer of complexity, as her mother’s status as commanding general of the riders attracts hostility from both friends and foes. Undeterred, Violet refuses to be defined by her physical limitations, showcasing a strength that outshines the toughest dragon riders, including the formidable Xaden Riorson.

Violet’s trials and tribulations do not end on the training field. As the war outside grows deadlier, she grapples with secrets buried deep within Navarre’s leadership. This ever-evolving conflict challenges Violet’s loyalty, tests her courage, and forces her to question everything she knows about the world she lives in.

With her compelling journey of self-discovery, survival, and defying the odds, Violet’s story becomes a beacon of hope in a world overshadowed by war and deceit.

11. Red Sister by Mark Lawrence

Red Sister by Mark Lawrence introduces you to an unforgettable female protagonist in a high fantasy setting. This epic tale centers on Nona Grey, a child criminal condemned to death, saved from the gallows by the convent of Sweet Mercy. But this is no ordinary convent. It’s a training ground for deadly, magical warrior nuns, and Nona is no ordinary child.

In Nona, we find a character who is complex, strong-willed, and utterly captivating. Despite her past crimes and the hardships she’s endured, Nona’s determination to survive and protect those she cares for is nothing short of inspirational. Her loyalty to her friends and her relentless quest for justice makes her a remarkable female lead.

As Nona is trained in the arts of stealth, poison, and the deadly blade, she unveils her own unique abilities that set her apart from her peers. She’s a character who refuses to be defined by her circumstances, exhibiting an indomitable spirit that shines even in the bleakest of situations.

12. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A. McKillip

Patricia A. McKillip’s The Forgotten Beasts of Eld is a cornerstone of fantasy literature that tells the story of Sybel, a powerful sorceress living in isolation atop Eld Mountain. As a deserving winner of the World Fantasy Award, this novel showcases a strikingly vibrant world brought to life with McKillip’s ethereal and poetic writing.

Sybel is an extraordinary female lead. Raised with only mythical creatures for companionship, she commands the awe-inspiring powers to summon and command beasts of legend. When she’s given a baby to protect, her life takes an unexpected turn. Sybel, initially aloof and detached, transforms throughout the story into a character imbued with compassion and a yearning for love.

Related read: All Fantasy Series Written by Patricia A. McKillip

13. Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith

This epic fantasy novel centers around Countess Meliara, a fierce and resilient woman who is a war heroine and a cunning strategist – a really strong female lead.

After making a deathbed promise to her father, Meliara, along with her brother, plunges headfirst into a war to defend their people from the king’s increasing greed. However, it’s not the battlefield where Meliara truly shines, but in the aftermath, when the struggles shift from physical to political. Unyielding in the face of immense pressure, she proves that courage comes in many forms.

When she’s thrust into a web of political intrigue, Meliara has to re-strategize and fight a different kind of war-one fought with wit, words, and secret alliances. In this new battlefront, friends, and foes are indistinguishable, and Meliara learns to trust no one but herself.

The story of Crown Duel does not solely revolve around war, politics, or magic but also around the personal growth of Meliara. Her journey from a dedicated warrior to a wise diplomat is both empowering and inspiring. This high fantasy novel, with its tenacious female lead, emphasizes that intelligence and diplomacy can be just as powerful as a sword in the right hands.

In a genre often dominated by male protagonists, Meliara stands as an exemplar of a dynamic, resourceful, and compelling female lead.

14. The Naming by Alison Croggon

Journey with Maerad, a young slave girl in a harsh and unforgiving settlement, whose life takes a drastic turn in Alison Croggon‘s The Naming. This first book of the Books of Pellinor series reveals her profound destiny as she becomes aware of her powerful, latent gift.

Her existence, previously marred by hardships after her family was ravaged by war, soon takes on a glimmer of hope when she crosses paths with Cadvan, a prominent Bard of Lirigon.

Cadvan sees potential in Maerad, discerning that she is a member of the prestigious School of Pellinor. He guides her on a perilous journey to uncover her true heritage and future. The paths they tread are fraught with dangers that extend beyond their physical realm, delving into chilling, otherworldly terror.

You’ll find yourself captivated by Maerad’s evolution from a downtrodden slave to an empowered woman.

15. The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin

Meet Yeine Darr, the bold protagonist of N.K. Jemisin’s debut novel, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. This outcast from the barbarian north finds herself embroiled in the heart of a complex power play in the majestic city of Sky. Yeine’s life undergoes a swift transformation as she navigates her mother’s mysterious death and her sudden appointment as the king’s heiress.

The ascent to the throne of the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is no simple feat, with treacherous obstacles around every corner. As the narrative unravels, you’ll find yourself engrossed in Yeine’s fierce struggle for power. Yeine’s character arc is a compelling one as she moves from a peripheral figure to a central player in the convoluted politics of the city.

Written in an exceptional voice, N.K. Jemisin’s novel explores themes of power, inheritance, and survival, all seen through the lens of its determined female lead. Jemisin delivers an immersive experience that takes you right into the heart of the majestic city of Sky and the intense power dynamics that govern it.

Yeine Darr stands out in the realm of epic fantasy novels as a resilient character who fights against all odds. As you navigate through the intricate plot and engage with Yeine’s journey, you’ll find yourself completely captivated.

16. Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop

Settle in for a dark and intriguing journey into a world shrouded in prophecy and power. Anne Bishop’s Daughter of the Blood serves up a landscape where an ancient prophecy is on the brink of fulfillment, the arrival of a new Queen. This isn’t just any ruler, but a Witch whose power outshines even the High Lord of Hell.

You’ll find yourself caught up in the story of the young and impressionable Queen. Her naivety makes her a pawn in the dangerous game of power and control, where her every move can be swayed. She stands at the center of the Darkness, her actions having the potential to change the course of the entire world.

The storyline thickens as the stakes escalate, and politics and intrigue fuse with magic and betrayal. The outcome of this ruthless game depends on the control of the new Queen and, by extension, the Darkness itself. Get ready to delve into a world where allies can be enemies, and deception is as common as the air you breathe.

17. Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce

Embark on a quest like no other in Tamora Pierce’s Alanna: The First Adventure. Alanna of Trebond is not your typical young girl; she dreams of danger, thrill, and, most of all, knighthood. Alanna doesn’t want to settle for the life society has laid out for her because of her gender.

Disguised as her twin brother Alan, she enters the castle of King Roald, determined to make her mark in the world of knights. On the other hand, her brother Thom goes to the convent to delve into the mystic arts of magic, defying the conventional paths set out for them.

Alanna’s journey toward knighthood will take you on an emotional roller coaster. Watch as she learns to swing a sword, tame her emotions, and pick her allies. Every challenge she overcomes, and every lesson she learns, brings her one step closer to her dream.

18. Summers at Castle Auburn by Sharon Shinn

In this enchanting fantasy tale, you will find a rich blend of romance, mystery, and personal growth, all seen through the eyes of a determined heroine. Join Coriel in her journey of self-discovery and see how her summers shape her life and destiny.

This novel sets in a world where magic intertwines with reality and where love is both a dream and a nightmare. Here, you will meet Coriel Halsing, a girl who grows up in the grandeur of Castle Auburn and harbors a forbidden love for a prince.

As a child, Castle Auburn was Coriel’s summer paradise, a place she shared with her half-sister, filled with beautiful memories and the youthful hope of winning the prince’s heart. However, growing up has a way of shedding light on the grim realities hidden beneath the surface. For Coriel, that reality is the dark underbelly of her beloved castle.

This story is about Coriel’s journey, her transformation from a naive girl to a wise young woman. As she uncovers the grim secrets lurking within Castle Auburn, she also discovers her own strength. Her growth mirrors the unfolding narrative, driving the plot forward in an intimate and engaging way.

19. Dragonfly by Julia Golding

Take a plunge into the thrilling world of Dragonfly by Julia Golding. A tale packed with adventure and sprinkled with romance, it will introduce you to Princess Taoshira, fondly known as Tashi. Taoshira, from the Blue Crescent Islands, is a picture of discipline and elegance, a stark contrast to the rugged, carefree Prince Ramil of Gerfal, who she is unfortunately betrothed to.

Neither Tashi nor Ram is thrilled about their proposed alliance, and it’s clear from the beginning – they can’t stand each other. But when a formidable warlord threatens both their kingdoms, the only hope for peace is to form an uneasy alliance. The action really takes off when Tashi and Ram are kidnapped, forcing them to put their differences aside for survival.

Dragonfly is a roller coaster of a journey, where every twist and turn could mean life or death. Along the way, you’ll encounter a medley of intriguing characters, from a mighty circus strongman to one of the best female fighters you’ve ever seen.

20. First Test by Tamora Pierce

In the splendid realm of Tortall, we’re introduced to Keladry of Mindelan in Tamora Pierce‘s First Test, the first book in the Protector of the Small series.

A headstrong girl who decides to break tradition and strive for knighthood, Kel is ready to overcome any obstacle. But there’s one massive hurdle, Lord Wyldon, the training master. He’s not thrilled about a girl joining the ranks and places her on a year-long probation. It’s an uphill battle, one that even the boys have never faced.

Despite this, Kel is unyielding and determined. Can she hold her own, not just in combat but also in the face of disparity? You’ll be rooting for her every step of the way. Follow Kel’s inspiring journey in this captivating tale that beautifully demonstrates the power of determination and resilience.

21. Shadowfell by Juliet Marillier

Can you imagine being on the run for being different? For having a unique gift that terrifies a tyrant king? Meet Neryn, a sixteen-year-old girl with a formidable secret in the land of Alban. This gifted heroine from Shadowfell by Juliet Marillier has the rare ability to converse with the Good Folk, a fairy-like race.

The oppressive King Keldec’s command? Capture anyone possessing magic! Fearing for her life, Neryn embarks on a perilous journey to reach Shadowfell, a legendary sanctuary for rebels plotting against the king.

The Good Folk aids her throughout her challenging journey, revealing that she must complete a sequence of tests to unlock her full potential. But they’re not her only companions. A handsome, enigmatic young man, Flint, becomes an unpredictable savior from her doomed fate. But can she trust him? His motives remain foggy, sparking a constant war of trust within Neryn.

The challenge doesn’t stop at survival for Neryn. She learns that she could be the key to freeing Alban from Keldec’s tyrannical rule. Homeless, teetering on the edge of trust, and targeted by a ruthless empire, Neryn’s mission is clear. She must reach Shadowfell. Not just to save herself but to liberate Alban. Get ready for a whirlwind adventure filled with magic, intrigue, and the power of a determined young woman in this epic novel.

22. Naamah’s Kiss by Jacqueline Carey

Would you embark on a quest that is shrouded in mystery, driven by the guidance of unfamiliar gods? This is the journey that Moirin, a girl from the tribe of the Brown Bear, embarks on in Naamah’s Kiss by Jacqueline Carey. Born into the Maghuin Dhonn, the oldest tribe in Alba, she carries the vestiges of a broken sacred oath made generations ago. These remnants manifest as small gifts: the power to summon twilight, to become invisible, and the knack to encourage plants to thrive.

Moirin’s childhood in the wilderness under her mother’s watchful eye was filled with the sensation of strange gods – the bright lady and the man carrying a seedling. It’s not until her adulthood that she unravels her notable yet complicated lineage.

She’s a descendant of Alais the Wise, kin to the Cruarch of Alba, and her father was a D’Angeline priest devoted to Naamah, the goddess of desire. Upon coming of age, Moirin is accepted by the divine, but this comes with a caveat. She must fulfill a destiny that lies beyond oceans, in a place unknown.

From her homeland to Terre d’Ange, where she finds her father, and onto the distant reaches of Ch’in, her unique abilities are the ultimate gift. As she faces an ambitious mage, aids a desperate warrior-princess, and encounters a celestial dragon’s spirit, Moirin’s saga will sweep you off your feet.

23. The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

There’s nothing like tradition to create a world of deception. Step into the life of Princess Lia in The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson. As the First Daughter in a society deeply rooted in tradition, she carries the burden of expectations. She is presumed to possess the esteemed gift of sight, but she doesn’t. Her parents arrange her marriage to a prince she hasn’t even seen to secure an alliance, but Lia knows it’s all a facade.

On her wedding day, Lia decides to take control of her destiny. She escapes to a distant village, eager for a fresh start. Hope fills her as two enigmatic and attractive strangers enter her new life. But what Lia doesn’t know is one is the prince she left at the altar, and the other, an assassin with a single task – her elimination.

Amidst rampant deception, Lia stands on the precipice of revealing dangerous secrets. As she falls in love, you’ll find yourself immersed in her story, an enthralling tale of tradition, deception, and unexpected love. The twists and turns of her narrative will leave you guessing until the very end.

24. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

As you delve into the pages of Leigh Bardugo’s gripping tale, you’ll encounter a world steeped in darkness and an unlikely heroine named Alina Starkov. Alina is just an ordinary soldier in a war-torn land, struggling for survival. However, everything shifts when she discovers a dormant power within her that could be the key to setting her war-ravaged country free from its eternal darkness.

Alina’s journey is a remarkable one, filled with trials, tribulations, and transformation. She’s swept away from everything familiar to train as a member of the magical elite known as the Grisha. Her journey challenges her spirit and determination, but Alina stands strong, proving that even in the darkest of times, light can emerge.

Through Alina, Bardugo explores themes of power, self-discovery, and the fight against darkness. Alina’s character stands as a beacon of strength and resilience, even when faced with overwhelming odds. Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone gives us a protagonist whose growth and strength will resonate with you, urging you to read on and explore the depths of her extraordinary story.

25. Steel Maiden by Kim Richardson

Kim Richardson invites you into a world where magic is forbidden, and treacherous High priests wield the power. Here, you’ll meet Elena, a young woman desperate to start anew, who risks everything by stealing the Empire’s most precious jewel. Caught in the act, Elena is presented with a dreadful choice: face death or enter the perilous Great Race as a champion for the High priests.

Suddenly thrust into a brutal competition, Elena is torn between hatred for one competitor and burgeoning affection for another. As the race intensifies, she begins to realize her unique abilities-mysterious healing powers that she must keep under wraps. But these newfound powers aren’t her only concern. The race isn’t just a contest; it hides a terrifying truth and a vile evil that threatens all life. Elena finds herself as the unlikely savior, racing against time.

With Steel Maiden, Richardson crafts a tale that pits duty against desire and truth against deception. Elena, as a female protagonist, exemplifies resilience and tenacity amidst a realm teeming with secrets and danger. This is a story for anyone who enjoys thrilling races against time, dangerous secrets, and characters with unanticipated power.

26. The Exercise of Vital Powers by Ian Gregoire

Welcome to the fascinating world of The Exercise Of Vital Powers, where magic is a formidable force, and its misuse can trigger cataclysmic consequences. The plot revolves around the feisty and resolute protagonist, Kayden Jayta, a prodigious apprentice of The Order, an organization dedicated to preventing the abuse of magic across The Nine Kingdoms.

But don’t be fooled. Kayden is far from the archetype of a disciplined trainee. She’s stubborn, confrontational, and filled with an audacious spirit that tends to rub people the wrong way. Her unwavering resolve to rise in The Order is fuelled by a concealed motive, a secret that can potentially disrupt the stability of the kingdoms. Moreover, it pits her against the principles of The Order, setting her on a perilous course with the potent institution.

Now, two compelling questions arise. What secret is Kayden harboring that justifies her defiant actions? And why is a prominent figure within The Order, carrying a secret of her own, deeply invested in Kayden’s destiny?

Ian Gregoire’s debut fantasy novel is a riveting story inspired by the timeless saying, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Kayden, with her immense magical abilities, has to tread the thin line between power and its potential abuse. As you delve into the pages, you will find a twisted and gripping narrative that will have you on the edge of your seat, awaiting more.

Final thoughts

There you have it, 26 high or epic fantasy novels with amazing female protagonists. From Sabriel to The Exercise of Vital Powers, each book unravels a unique world where women, though met with adversity, rise to the occasion and defy the odds.

As they navigate through unchartered territories, they learn about the power within them and the responsibility that comes with it. So, get ready to embark on these enchanting literary journeys that will leave you captivated, inspired, and yearning for more. Happy reading!

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