Most Hated Characters in Game of Thrones

15 Most Hated Characters in Game of Thrones (Books and Series)

As a great fan of George R. R. Martin’s sprawling saga, A Song of Ice and Fire, and the TV show Game of Thrones, I have navigated the intricate world of Westeros in far greater depth than any television adaptation could ever encapsulate. The distinct scent of old parchment and the tangible weight of the tomes in my hands were my gateways into Martin’s richly woven universe.

I’ve walked the battlements of Winterfell, ambled through the courts of King’s Landing, and ventured into the wildlands Beyond the Wall, all from the cozy confines of my favorite reading corner.

I’ve been a silent observer of the ascension and downfall of kings, the plots of cunning schemers, the gallantry of noble knights, and the harsh realities of war. Along this whirlwind journey, I’ve also encountered characters that sparked outrage, solicited exasperated sighs, and occasionally stirred the impulse to fling the book into a distant corner.

So, join me as I delve into the 15 Most Hated Characters in A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones. Perhaps you’ll find yourself nodding in agreement or even unearthing a fresh distaste for a character you hadn’t given much thought to.

1. Joffrey Baratheon

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Remember Joffrey Baratheon! You can’t beat the satisfaction of taking out your anger on a fictional TV character, can you? Let us now delve into the twisted history of our first contender, Joffrey, the boy-king who so incensed us.

Joffrey always had a way of making us uncomfortable in our seats, even when he was young. His spoilt, haughty attitude was more of a nuisance than the horrible cruelty he would go on to commit. In addition to publicly humiliating his fiancée Sansa Stark on multiple occasions, he also had her father, Ned Stark, killed in front of her.

His deeds exemplified the worst kind of power trip gone bad. And, of course, there was that horrifying grin. That arrogant delight in inflicting suffering and terror. It seemed as if he fed off of the audience’s animosity, becoming even more terrible with each boo.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Game of Thrones succeeds on the strength of its intricate, multifaceted characters, except for Joffrey. He was an easy equation to solve. A kid king who is nothing but pure, unadulterated evil. The antagonist we all had a common hatred for on those tense Sunday nights. So here’s to Joffrey, the top most hated person on our list who happens to have golden hair.

2. Cersei Lannister

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Can’t just accept her so many faces! Let’s talk about the rudest queen Cersei Lannister. The queen, who has everyone clenching their jaws and muttering to themselves. My feelings for Cersei exemplify the typical love-hate dynamic. Sometimes I felt sorry for her, but then I remembered how manipulative she could be, and my feelings faded.

The fact that Cersei cared deeply for her kids despite her frigid façade was a welcome relief. However, she was willing to go to what seemed like outrageous and unethical lengths to protect them and maintain her control. Her unbridled ambition was demonstrated by the catastrophic wildfire that destroyed the Sept of Baelor and everyone who stood in her way to power.

But it wasn’t simply what she did that people hated. Cersei was equally skilled at manipulation, cunning, and cruelty. Her disturbing indifference to the well-being of everyone beyond her immediate family was immediately apparent. Who could forget her heartless treatment of Sansa Stark or her ongoing rivalry with her brother, Tyrion?

However, she did have an attractive quality. She possessed an air of refined power that belied her fearsome persona. It was amusing to see her fumble as her carefully laid plans fell apart. We took great pleasure in our dislike of Cersei Lannister yet admired her determination and cunning.

3. The Night King

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Agh! Let us cross the Wall and meet the Night King, the icy, undead dread of our nightmares. He was a mysterious, silent figure who always left us feeling uneasy and on edge whenever he made an appearance on TV.

Unlike Joffrey or Cersei, the Night King wasn’t hated for his words or his machinations; he was despised for his unrelenting, icy menace. He didn’t need to speak – his actions spoke volumes. With a mere touch, he turned innocent babies into his minions. With a spear, he brought down one of Daenerys’s beloved dragons, Viserion, and raised him as a dreaded wight.

His silent march towards Westeros, with an army of the dead in his wake, created an undercurrent of fear that gripped us throughout the series. We loathed him for the threat he posed to our favorite characters and the havoc he wreaked on the Seven Kingdoms. His decimation of the Wall, a symbol of safety and order, was a heart-stopping moment of dread.

However, our hatred for the Night King was unique. It wasn’t personal, like with Joffrey or Cersei. It was primal, born of the instinctual fear of an unstoppable, silent predator. The Night King, the icy terror of Westeros, certainly earned his spot on our list.

4. Alliser Thorne

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Alliser Thorne – the man who added a chill to Castle Black. His hatred for Jon Snow made him an instant fan-favorite as Master-at-Arms and then acting Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.

Thorne’s constant demeanor toward Jon Snow, filled with bullying and insulting, irritated us from the start. His unrelenting hostility against our beloved Winterfell bastard only served to increase the discomfort of spending the night outside the Wall. Thorne’s stubbornness and animosity for Jon are on full display when he refuses to recognize his value despite Jon’s many acts of bravery and leadership.

Thorne’s animosity toward Jon Snow grew after the latter was chosen as Lord Commander. His caustic criticism of Jon’s choices, notably the brave decision to ally with the Wildlings, was a constant pain in the neck.

Thorne’s leadership of the insurrection against Jon Snow was the apex of our anger; he delivered the killing blow and left us gasping for air. Still today, the words For the Watch have the power to send shivers down our spines.

Because of his bad attitude and treachery, Alliser Thorne made it onto our list of most hated people. Thus, it was with some relief that we saw him get what he deserved.

5. Theon Greyjoy

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Many Game of Thrones viewers still grimace when they hear the name Theon Greyjoy. Theon’s journey was riddled with bad decisions, and as a result, he is now widely reviled.

Theon first appeared to us as the arrogant ward of Ned Stark, whose brash behavior instantly irritated us. But his treachery to the Starks is what really set us against him. His haughty pronouncement as Prince of Winterfell and the sacking of Winterfell left a bitter aftertaste, as did the presumed murders of Bran and Rickon.

Theon’s actions stemmed from his desire to please his severe father and get acceptance from a family that had previously disregarded him. However, his deceit made any good intentions irrelevant. Despite understanding the nuances of his personality, we came to dislike him.

The violent and humiliating process by which Ramsay Bolton transformed him into Reek evoked sympathy, but the stigma of his past acts remained. Theon Greyjoy, a man we hated for his treachery and cowardice, is living proof that there are repercussions for one’s deeds.

6. Ramsay Bolton

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So, get ready to have your spines tingle, and your fists clench as we dig into the horrific realm of Ramsay Bolton. We all hated Joffrey Baratheon, but Ramsay was like our worst nightmare come to life.

The moniker Ramsay Bolton quickly became shorthand for unsparing evil and constant fear. His sadistic fascination with torture, both real and imagined, was chilling. The viciousness of Ramsay was on full display in the way he treated Theon Greyjoy, whom he reduced from a proud man to Reek, a broken shell of his former self.

Fans all across the world were angered by the horrific scene of him attacking Sansa Stark on their wedding night. His treatment of her was so horrifying that he quickly became one of the show’s most despicable figures.

Ramsay’s insatiable lust for power and total lack of compassion or remorse made him a villainous figure that audiences couldn’t help but despise. Our contempt grew stronger with each sneer, taunt, and act of violence.

Sadistic psychopath of the North Ramsay Bolton has assuredly cemented his place on our most hated list. His fall was an act of poetic justice and a moment of relief.

7. Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger)

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Littlefinger, or Petyr Baelish, is the scheming mastermind behind the scenes in Westeros. Littlefinger, with his smooth talk and sneaky grin, rapidly became one of our most despised enemies. Unlike Ramsay’s and Joffrey’s blatant cruelty, his malice was more covert and cunning.

We were taught early on to be wary of Littlefinger. His sly, manipulative character shone out in his interactions with others. However, it was his treachery toward Ned Stark, as he said the now-famous I did warn you not to trust me, that cemented his status as a figure we love to hate.

Another despicable thing Littlefinger did was to manipulate Sansa Stark by promising to protect her while actually exploiting her as a pawn in his power games. His persona was made more sinister by his drive and unrequited love for Catelyn Stark, which he transferred to Sansa.

Even though we despise him, we can’t deny that Littlefinger was an intriguing person. His schemes and plots kept the Game of Thrones going. It was really exciting to see his schemes fall apart, though, as it proved that even those at the top of the chaotic ladder could be brought down. Petyr Baelish was everyone’s favorite sly manipulator.

8. Viserys Targaryen

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Remember Viserys Targaryen? He was the would-be dragon king who quickly rose to the ranks of Game of Thrones’ most despised characters. We enjoyed rolling our eyes at his self-importance and arrogance.

Viserys’s obnoxious air of superiority was present from the get-go. His eagerness to trade his sister Daenerys for an army to retake the Iron Throne was indicative of his egotism and thirst for power.

The way he consistently treated Daenerys with contempt and disrespect made Viserys an especially despicable character. His verbal and physical abuse of her was disturbing, especially as we saw Dany grow from a shy young girl into a regal ruler. His repeated use of the insulting Dany the dumb to describe her was indicative of his general lack of sophistication.

Not to mention his never-ending whining about being entitled to the Iron Throne by virtue of his birth. His crowning moment was suitably molten and golden, bringing a conclusion befitting of a man we despised. We hate Viserys Targaryen because he thinks he’s better than everyone else and because he is nasty to our beloved Khaleesi.

9. Melisandre

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Now, it’s time for Melisandre’s (the Red Priestess) mysterious realm, where we learn more about the character we loved to hate despite our misgivings about her questionable conduct and fanatical devotion to the Lord of Light.

Melisandre’s mystic abilities and mysterious prophecies made her an intriguing protagonist. Her unwavering conviction, however, caused her to make rash choices that frequently ended in disaster. One of the series’ most agonizing moments came as a result of her influence on Stannis Baratheon and his family, specifically, her role in pushing Stannis to sacrifice his own daughter, Shireen.

It was disturbing to see Melisandre use her manipulative, fanatical character. Her ominous predictions frequently came true, such as Stannis’s doomed attempt to seize the crown. Many viewers still hold this against her even though she helped with Jon Snow’s revival.

It was also difficult to swallow her arrogance, which sprang from her firm conviction that no one could harm her because of her faith. Even though the show’s concluding events were a blend of poetic justice and redemption, she will forever be haunted by her previous mistakes. Melisandre, the Red Priestess, has earned a spot on our most hated characters list of the Game of Thrones thanks to her fervent beliefs and chilling acts.

10. Walder Frey

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Let’s take a trip to Minnesota to talk about Walder Frey, a name that alone should send shivers of disgust up our spines. His betrayal during the Red Wedding cemented his position as one of our most hated characters.

Walder Frey’s lecherous behavior and nasty demeanor made him immediately unlikable. It was disturbing that he didn’t respect our sacred guest right and seemed to have no care for other people’s homes. However, it was his treachery toward the Starks that truly turned us against him.

The mere mention of The Red Wedding conjures up terrible images. Fans all over the world were shocked by Frey’s violation of the ancient guest’s right, which led to the savage killing of Robb Stark, his mother, Catelyn, and his bannermen.

Our anger for Frey will never be erased from our hearts because of his smug enjoyment at this horrible betrayal and his mocking of Robb and Catelyn before they were killed. We hated Walder Frey because of his betrayal of trust and the pure depravity of his actions.

Arya Stark’s act of vengeance was a cathartic release, bringing long overdue justice to the elderly scoundrel. Walder Frey was a villain whose betrayal made him reviled by everyone.

11. Roose Bolton

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What about the loathsome Bolton? Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort. His callous attitude and harsh behavior definitely placed him on our most hated list.

Unlike his vicious son Ramsay, the more controlled Roose Bolton was, the more terrifying his calm ruthlessness. Roose embodied the Bolton family motto, A Flayed Man Holds No Secrets, and it was an apt motto for him to live by.

His wickedness in betraying Robb Stark at the Red Wedding reverberated throughout the Seven Kingdoms and the fanbase. His chillingly treacherous words to Robb before delivering the killing blow, The Lannisters send their regards, have become legendary.

We didn’t like Roose because he was cool with his illegitimate son Ramsay’s cruel techniques and used fear to subjugate people. Let us not forget his heartless indifference to the fate of his wife and infant boy at Ramsay’s hands.

We came to deeply despise Roose Bolton, and his downfall at the hands of his own son was a dismal moment of joy for us because of his cold betrayals and icy ruthlessness.

12. Euron Greyjoy

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Euron Greyjoy, the Drowned God whose arrogant attitude and savage tactics swiftly made him one of the most loathed characters in the saga; we next set the ship for the Iron Islands to hate him again!

The unexpected and brutal ambition of Euron Greyjoy added a new dimension of drama to Game of Thrones. His violent personality and inflated sense of self-importance, though, made us recoil every time he strutted onto the screen.

The introduction of Euron was startling, to say the least. His brutality was immediately apparent when he murdered his own brother, Balon, and seized the Salt Throne. The fact that he kidnapped his own niece Yara and made dubious alliances with Cersei Lannister only deepened our dislike for him.

It was also annoying to have to deal with Euron’s massive ego. It was exhausting to listen to him insist that he was the most feared man on the seas and to witness his continual, annoying swagger. He was an easy target for hatred because he had no loyalty to anyone or regard for anyone but himself.

For all of these reasons and more, Euron Greyjoy has rightfully earned his place on our most hated list.

13. Gregor Clegane (The Mountain)

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Let’s now enter Gregor Clegane’s (AKA The Mountain) ominous shadow. The combination of his tremendous power and savage brutality made him an instant fan-favorite villain on Game of Thrones.

The Mountain’s early performances established him as a formidable opponent. His terrible killing of Ser Hugh of the Vale at the Hand’s tourney was a warning to everyone who crossed him: you could meet a violent end.

When he fought Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper of Dorne, our blood really started to boil. Oberyn challenged Gregor to a duel in an effort to avenge the rape and murder of his sister at The Mountain’s hands.

Gregor’s shocking, eye-gouging victory over Oberyn came just when we dared to hope for justice. Gregor was ruthless to more than only his foes. His younger brother Sandor, The Hound Clegane’s torture at his hands, is further evidence of his savage character.

The Mountain’s intimidating physique and unrelenting cruelty made him a villain we couldn’t help but loathe. We were all relieved when he was finally defeated; it felt like a moment of justice.

14. Craster

It is time to take a dreary journey into the barren wastes of Beyond the Wall to meet Craster, a gloomy wildling whose terrible actions make him a simple figure to dislike.

Our unease began the moment we entered Craster’s fortress and saw him for the first time. A terrifying exchange of hospitality for silence about his brutal actions formed the basis of his agreement with the Night’s Watch. Craster’s reputation took an instant hit as a result of this unhappy alliance.

The repulsive way in which Craster treated his daughters was the final straw that sealed our loathing of him. What he did to his newborn sons and the fact that he kept his daughters as wives are both sickening truths.

The more we learned about his life, the more repulsed we became. It was horrifying to see how he treated the ladies in his keep, especially his pregnant daughter-wife Gilly, who he brutally beat. He cared nothing for them beyond a materialistic interest.

In sum, we found Craster repulsive due to his heinous actions and callous disregard for human life. Poetic justice was served when he was killed by a mutineer from the Night’s Watch.

15. Tywin Lannister

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Let’s dive deep into the heart of the Seven Kingdoms to talk about Tywin Lannister. The sinful Lannister, the patriarch of House Lannister and one of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones for his cold ambition and merciless tactics.

This man was a master of power and manipulation, and his famous quote, Any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king, is a testament to this. The fear he instilled in us was not because of his sway over the Seven Kingdoms or even his iron fist with his own family.

One of the reasons nobody ever liked Tywin was because of how he treated his kids, especially his son Tyrion. He had no feelings for Tyrion at all, holding the man responsible for his wife’s murder and continuously insulting him. It was very frustrating that Tywin, despite Tyrion’s brilliance and abilities, did not see him as valuable.

Then there was his part in the shocking Red Wedding. A sickening reminder of Tywin’s merciless pursuit of power, this horrible act was orchestrated by him with cold calculation. The powerful, cruel, and coldly ambitious Tywin Lannister was a villain we enjoyed detesting. Many of his admirers felt a gloomy sense of joy when his own son killed him.

Final Thoughts

These characters have earned their spot on this list for various reasons, whether it be their cruel actions, their betrayals, or their overall manipulative personalities both in the books and the TV Show.

Do you agree with my list of the 15 most despised characters in Game of Thrones? From cunning plotters to bloodthirsty warriors, every one of these people has done something to make us angry, repulsed, or shocked. We yelled at our screens, worried about our favorite characters, and cheered when they met their just desserts.

Even if we despise these people so much, we can’t deny the fact that they made Westeros a more interesting and nuanced place. Despite how horrible their deeds were, they were what sparked the drama and kept us turning the pages or watching episode after episode.

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